Web and Mobile Development: OAuth

Bill Mongan

Making a Web Service Call

  • We need:
    • An HTTP request
    • A JSON parsing library
    • Documentation of the service interface and response
  • Sometimes, we need an API key to access our account

Making a Web Service Call

  • How do we get and store this key?
    • Store it in the program? (No!)
    • Ask them to type it in? (No!)
    • Save it in a file? (OK, just protect the file!)


  • A protocol for authenticating a user against a trusted service provider
  • The user logs into their service with our app ID as a parameter
  • The user authorizes our app to access their account
  • We are provided with an access token or “key”

From SAML to OAuth

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) provided an initial standard
  • OAuth has evolved the protocol

OAuth protocol diagram


OAuth Workflow


OAuth Workflow


OAuth Workflow


  • These are accomplished with RESTful calls.
  • Users can paste the resulting key, but we can automate this by providing server-side service endpoints of our own that receive the key directly.

Example: Twitter

  • Add a Developer App to get an application key
    • This is what identifies our app to Twitter when a user first authenticates to give us permission
  • OAuth 1.0 Reference

Example: Twitter


OAuth oauth_nonce="K7ny27JTpKVsTgdyLdDfmQQWVLERj2zAK5BslRsqyw", oauth_callback="http%3A%2F%2Fmyapp.com%3A3005%2Ftwitter%2Fprocess_callback", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1300228849", oauth_consumer_key="OqEqJeafRSF11jBMStrZz", oauth_signature="Pc%2BMLdv028fxCErFyi8KXFM%2BddU%3D", oauth_version="1.0"
  • Response is passed to the server oauth_callback as an oauth_token

Example: Twitter

  • Step 2: User Login: GET https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=<OAUTH TOKEN>

  • A callback is made to your initial callback with an oauth_token and oauth_verifier as parameters

Example: Twitter

  • Step 3: Get Token: POST https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token?oauth_token=<OAUTH TOKEN>&oauth_verifier=<OAUTH VERIFIER>

  • When should we make this call?

  • Response:


Example: Twitter

  • Parse url query arguments into json:

// ...
function (req, res) {
    const queryObject = url.parse(req.url,true).query;
    // this is now json

Example: Twitter

curl -XPOST 
  --url 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json?status=hello' 
  --header 'authorization: OAuth
  • How might we use the previous response to facilitate user logins to our application, without requiring a password of our own?

OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens

  • If you are just accessing general data, and not manipulating / accessing a specific uesr’s account, the process is simplified.
  • No login is required
  • Request a “Bearer Token” that you pass in the header of each subsequent request

Example: Twitter

Example: Twitter

  • <INPUT> is the Base-64 encoded app consumer key concatenated with a colon, concatenated with the consumer secret.

  • Response:


Using Bearer Tokens

  • Include a header in subsequent calls that includes the token/key you’ve obtained:
Authorization: Bearer <KEY>