CS377: Database Design - Quadratic Formula in Python (3 Points)

Developed by Professor Tralie and Professor Mongan.

Exercise Goals

The goals of this exercise are:
  1. To write mathematical expressions in Python
  2. To write a function that computes an expression and returns its result
Write a function that computes one of the roots of a quadratic equation. In addition to multiplying b by itself, you can compute b*b using the b** with the ** operator. The math.sqrt() method takes a single parameter, which is the number whose root should be computed, and returns the result. Now complete the code to compute one of the roots of the quadratic formula

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import math def get_quadratic_roots(a, b, c): """ Compute the right root of of the quadratic equation f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c """ return 0 # This is a default value


# Run some tests on the method print(get_quadratic_roots(1, -1, -6), end=',') print(get_quadratic_roots(1, 0, -1))


Quadratic Formula

For reference, the quadratic formula is:

\[\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{(b^{2} - 4ac)}}{2a}\]

given an equation:

\[ax^{2} + bx + c = 0\]

In this exercise, you can simply compute one of the roots, as follows:

\[\frac{-b + \sqrt{(b^{2} - 4ac)}}{2a}\]


Developed by Prof. Chris Tralie